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Today…we’re talking storyboards. If you’re thinking of getting a video made, it’s likely you’re familiar with the concept. Not so much? Well, I’ll tell you anyway. See, you can’t just dive in headfirst, throw a few shots together and hope for the best. That’s a recipe for disaster. As with anything else in life, planning is vital. Ever thought of what a house would look like without the initial blueprint? Not pretty. That’s for sure.
Here at Kashu, we firmly believe that storyboard design helps you to determine whether a concept will work or not. A well-crafted, professional storyboard also helps you work out the right direction to take, provide notes to animators and more. Most importantly, it gives you a clear view on how the whole 2D animation will flow and unfold.
Ever been in a position where you’re trying to explain something, but everyone just looks at you funny? A storyboard makes visualizing a lot easier.
Think of it like a comic book. Before it comes to life, it needs to have structure. It’s the best way to share your vision with others, and show them what the video should look like. It makes the whole production process so much easier, acting as a starting point or timeline with all the angles, shot types, design and characters that should be incorporated.
There are multiple stages to the storyboarding process. First, we deliver a rough sketch a little like this one over here to confirm that the end-product will be as you envision it. Once that’s approved, we’ll go ahead with the character setups Those look a little something like this . Once THAT’S approved…the entire graphic storyboard can be set into motion – like this one over here.
It also saves a whole lot of time later, preventing unnecessary revisions, seeing as the flow and shot composition are already in place. Most importantly, it helps you create your animation according to your vision. And that’s what matters!
Stay tuned for more nutty advice from the team here at